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All Students at SMU Now Required To Have Texas Health Insurance Coverage

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Student Needing Health InsuranceAs of November 2, 2009, SMU has mandated all students (domestic and international) to maintain Texas health insurance coverage as a requirement for enrollment. Decided by the President’s Executive Council (PEC) in February of 2008, this mandate has now taken affect and has caused many SMU students scrambling to find quality and affordable student health insurance in order to enroll for the Spring 2010 term.

If students do not provide documentation of insurance coverage and submit an Insurance Waiver Form, they will automatically be enrolled into the SMU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and charged a $669.00 per semester premium charge. This premium charge is to be paid in addition to the health fee students pay each semester.  Even though the health fee allows access to some medical services, SMU is still requiring all students to acquire comprehensive medical insurance in order to “make sure they have the necessary medical care needed in case of [serious medical or surgical care requiring hospitalization].”

In addition, all international or embassy plans will not be accepted as valid health insurance. Any other individual health insurance plan considered as valid SMU student health insurance must have at least a $200,000 maximum lifetime benefit per accident or sickness, comprehensive in and out patient hospital care, physician coverage payments, pharmacy benefits and outpatient diagnostic coverage.

SMU Students will benefit if they obtain an individual health insurance quote or a short term health plan plan for SMU students through Custom Health Plans – specializing in Texas health insurance for students for more affordable, personalized health care coverage.  Custom Health Plans has local, knowledgeable health insurance agents who will educate and guide students to the right health plan for both their medical and educational needs!

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