Here’s some news on the Texas health insurance front. Texas had applied for a waiver that would exclude it from the federal government’s law that imposes limits on overhead spending
Proponents of health care reform have promised that it will provide affordable health insurance in Texas and across the country. There’s no doubt that the new legislation will help certain
A Health savings account (HSA) is one of the best health insurance options available today. Similar to an IRA, an HSA is an investment. Individuals can contribute and withdraw money
Now that health care reform has passed, people must begin preparing for changes to their Texas health insurance and finances. While nearly everyone will be affected by these reforms, those
Now that health care reform has passed, people want to know how they will be affected and when they will feel these effects. Some measures will be noticed almost immediately,
The year-long health care reform debate and political maneuvering has finally culminated into the Obama administration passing its health care bill. And since the 2,700 page bill was too unpopular
The Dallas Morning News recently reported that President Obama has proposed for the federal government to regulate all health insurance premiums in an effort to regulate price increases. With Texas
Of all the changes, advancements and potential reforms in healthcare, one of the most promising is the return of medicine to a market-driven, consumer-oriented system. Helping drive this trend are
Recently President Obama said he wants to meet with both Democrats and Republicans to sift through the best health care ideas from both sides. He challenged Republicans—who to this point
Since Scott Brown’s win in the Massachusetts Senate race broke the Democrats’ filibuster-proof Senate majority, President Obama’s health care bill has been reeling. In an attempt to revive his health
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