If you’re self-employed, you may not realize that you have group plan options when it comes to your health insurance. For many spouses, this makes an impact on everything from the quality of their coverage to the cost that they pay. While there are a few different directions you can go, you should take the time to learn more about whether group plans are right for you or not. To help you get started, here are a few steps that you can take and couple of areas of health insurance available in Texas to consider as you make the decision.
Gain a Better Understanding of What Group Health Insurance Plans Are
Understanding what a group health insurance plan is will be the first step towards making the right decision for you. Texas group health insurance plans are employer-sponsored, and they are for dependents as well as employees. These can vary depending on the state, and that’s one reason it’s so important to get an expert in the health insurance industry involved as you move forward.
Learn More About the Health Insurance Plan Options
Often when a husband and wife have a plan together because one (or both) are self-employed, you’ll have options which are generally PPO’s or HMO. PPO stands for “Preferred Provider Organization.” In this plan, you’ll choose in-network health care providers and doctors. It won’t require you to be referred by your primary care doctor, and often you’ll have an annual deductible.
An HMO plan (Health Maintenance Organization) provides a wide variety of healthcare services for preventative care as well as immediate care. The primary care physician that you choose will also be responsible for providing referrals before you can see a specialist. There are a range of HMO plans and they tend to have lower out-of-pocket expense.
In a nutshell, a PPO provides coverage for OUT of network and are nationwide. An HMO is IN network only and generally are regional (smaller) networks.
Speak with a Texas Health Insurance Broker to Learn More
If you are considering a husband and wife healthcare plan, you should speak with a health insurance broker to learn more about your options. Because health insurance can get complicated and overwhelming, it’s important to bring in someone who understands the industry and all of the changes that go with it. The health insurance broker will review HMO and PPO plans with you in more detail and listen to your goals for health insurance.
Write down a list of questions you have for the local health insurance broker as you do your research and learn more about your options. The more informed you are, the better choices you can make about your health care coverage. Trust that an insurance broker doesn’t work for one provider, but can access the different providers available, so they will help you find the absolute best option for your situation.
Get a free Texas health insurance quote
Take the time to get a free health insurance quote to find out what plans are within your budget. A husband and wife health insurance plan can be more convenient and affordable than many other options, but the only way you’re going to find out is if you get a quote.